Lenten Parish Mission with Bishop Hying


See ALL SAVED VIDEOS from this series, below, as clickable links.

A wonderful way to delve into the full meaning of Easter—the “why” and “how” of Christ’s saving work—is to take the time to view the series that Bishop Hying presented, virtually, at the start of Lent. All five nights’ worth of presentations are available, below, as links to online videos.

  1. Jesus Christ as the Good News of the Father’s Love
  2. The Glory and Graciousness of Creation
  3. The Cosmic Shipwreck of Original Sin
  4. The Christ Event as the Divine Rescue
  5. Discipleship: Our Response to God’s Offer of Salvation

Catholic Theology 101: technically speaking, the entirety of this series covers something that’s referred to as “Salvation History”—the bigger picture and larger context of God’s saving work, starting from the very beginning of time. (The Old Testament and New Testament readings that we hear each year at the Easter Vigil Mass are designed to be a hop-skip-and-a-jump through all of Salvation History, as the ever-helpful lead-up to the story of Jesus’ Resurrection.) The “Paschal Mystery,” specifically, doesn’t really come into play until the fourth talk/video, above: “The Christ Event as Divine Rescue,” but it is of course implied throughout all of Salvation History for us as Christian believers, because—well—we already know the end of the story!