GMD - Adult Formation & Study



The Diocese of Madison, in order to provide quality adult formation on key Catholic topics, has created a series of newsletters for the Go Make Disciples evangelization initiative. Although this content was originally intended for parish leadership groups only, it quickly became apparent that the reading/watching/study of these monthly topics could be very enriching for ALL adults in our parishes. Accordingly, the Catholic Herald began to offer the same materials—and we do, too, below—in order to better understand what it means FOR EACH OF US to accomplish the two most basic steps of evangelization: (1) Become holy. And (2) tell others about Jesus.



  • HMC's Lent/March 2022 Topic (PDF newsletter, originally published in January 2022): 
    Self-Denial + Temperance
    Jesus said, "Take up your cross and follow me." Why self-sacrifice is a cornerstone of our Lenten celebration.


  • HMC's January 2022 Topic (PDF newsletter, originally published in January 2022): 
    Prayer + Hope
    Prayer and hope, hope and prayer...what an amazing way to start the New Year off right!


  • HMC's December 2021 Topic (PDF newsletter, originally published in September 2021): 
    Mini Study - Jesus + The Story
    Appropriately enough, for Advent, we go back to what it means to say that Jesus is our personal friend and Savior.


  • HMC's November 2021 Topic (PDF newsletter, originally published in May 2021): 
    Mini Study - The Mission
    We've reached a time, in sharing diocesan study materials for Go Make Disciples, of tapping simpler 2-page newsletters on the basics of evangelization. This month, we review what our "mission" is as baptized Christians.


  • HMC's October 2021 Topic (PDF newsletter, originally published in April 2021): 
    The Personal Apostolate
    "Apostolate" sounds like a rather fancy word. But the meaning is quite simple: we, as baptized Christians, are ALL called to share the Good News of the gospel—and to "go out to all the world" in doing so. These were Jesus' final instructions before he left this earth. But does that mean that we're all supposed to become streetcorner preachers? No, not at all. It means using the talents, gifts, and temperament that God gave us to share the gospel in our ordinary lives.


  • HMC's September 2021 Topic (PDF newsletter, originally published in March 2021): 
    Tuth  is the third and final of the "three transcendentals" that naturally move the human heart and mind to realize that there's "something more" to our mortal existence. It's a way all people naturally experience the Divine.


  • HMC's August 2021 Topic (PDF newsletter, originally published in January 2021): 
    Goodness is the second of the "three transcendentals" that naturally move the human heart and mind to realize that there's "something more" to our mortal existence. It's a way all people naturally experience the Divine.
  • HMC's July 2021 Topic (PDF newsletter, originally published in February 2021): 
    Beauty is one of the "three transcendentals" that naturally move the human heart and mind to realize that there's "something more" to our mortal existence. It's a way all people naturally experience the Divine.
  • HMC's June 2021 Topic (PDF newsletter, originally published in July 2020): 
    Jesus spent three years gathering his first disciples and teaching them how to live and believe. He left behind a church, enlivened and guided by the Holy Spirit, to continue that mission: of telling others about God's love, their salvation, and the Kingdom of God. And that mission is still ours, as modern-day followers of Jesus. Like those first disciples, we may not be perfect, but we commit to keep learning and growing—striving for true holiness—even as we share the Good News with others.


  • HMC's May 2021 Topic (PDF newsletter, originally published in June 2020): 
    You don't need to become a streetcorner preacher to share Jesus' message with others. And often, the people who most need to hear about Jesus are those who already say they believe. And so, we who are baptized are asked by Jesus to spread the gospel in our daily lives.
  • HMC's April 2021 Topic (PDF newsletter, originally published at Eastertime 2020): 
    Paschal Mystery
    Yes, we know that Jesus saves. But do we know how—and why? There's no better time than the Easter Season to delve into this central truth of Christian belief.
  • HMC's March 2021 Topic (PDF newsletter, originally published August 2020): 
    The Sacrament of Reconciliation heals us of our separation from God.


  • HMC's February 2021 Topic (PDF newsletter, originally published August 2020): 
    "What are you giving up for Lent" begins a much wider conversation about the spiritual life: the life of sacrifice, in ways large and small.


  • HMC's January 2021 Topic (PDF newsletter, originally published August 2020): 
    Baptism and Confirmation
    Baptism is where we all begin our journey in discipleship; and the power and grace of the sacrament is further enhanced by Confirmation. Open and/or print the PDF topical newsletter; read pages 1-3. Refer to helpful resources (top left) and individual reflection questions (bottom) on page 3. You can skip pages 4 and 5; page 6 contains a lovely image and reflection on this month's topic.


  • HMC's Advent/Christmas 2020 Topic (PDF newsletter, originally published October 2020): 
    Interior Life: Prayer
    Open and/or print the PDF topical newsletter; read pages 1-4. Refer to helpful resources (top left) and individual reflection questions (bottom) on page 5. You can skip page 6; page 7 contains a lovely image and reflection you will probably enjoy. 


  • HMC's November 2020 Topic (PDF newsletter, originally published September 2020): 
    Reclaiming Sunday, Honoring the Sabbath
    Open and/or print the PDF topical newsletter; read pages 1-4. Refer to helpful resources (top left) and individual reflection questions (bottom) on page 5. You can skip page 6; page 7 contains a lovely image and reflection you will probably enjoy. 

               Our Favorite Resources:



REMINDER: "Keep Holy the Sabbath" by Dr. Gray is available to HMC parishioners via their FREE subscription to FORMED; sign up here: https://hmc.formed.org/


Dies Domini (English title, “Keeping the Lord’s Day Holy”) 1998 apostolic letter by Pope John Paul II.

Josef Pieper’s Leisure As the Basis of Culture  book; highlights via "An Integration of the Contemplative and Active Life"